Keep in touch
There are a couple of ways to keep in touch with the Office and stay on top of updates in the community. The most recommended way is to subscribe to our news feed. An alternative is to join the OEMS Opt-In list.
News Feed
Our news feed is based on RSS technology, which simply means that certain free software packages (perhaps even the ones that you already have on your computer) can be used to automate the delivery of our news directly to you in a manner that meets your needs.
For more information, read
WhatIsRSS. Outlook 2007, Apple Mail, and other popular free email/rss readers can "subscribe" to our feed and deliver our important news directly to you.
How to subscribe:
Does your email program have capabilities to read RSS feeds? Newer versions of Outlook and Apple Mail have this capability out of the box, as do some other free email programs. If so, you're almost finished.
Direct your email program to subscribe to our news feed url. Some web browsers (like FireFox) will add this feed directly into your feed reader if you click on it.
Your reader should recognize it automatically as an RSS feed. You're finished!
Don't have an RSS-capable email program, or do you use web-based email (such as Yahoo!, Google, Windows Live, MY MSN, or AOL)?
Subscribe with our free gateway service.